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Reporters Without Borders condemns the "hindrance" to freedom of information in Western Sahara

نشر في

Paris, June 06, 2013 (SPS) - The NGO Reporters Without Borders condemned Tuesday the policy of "obstruction to freedom of information imposed by the Moroccan authorities in Western Sahara" after Morocco's refusal to allow entry of a foreign journalist who wanted to write an article on the political situation and human rights in the territory.


The Moroccan government prevented on May 21 entry to Jose Maria Santana, Cadena SER journalist in Las Palmas and collaborator of the newspaper El País in the Canaries, who had traveled to the airport in El Aaiun, Western Sahara occupied capital, for covering the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the POLISARIO Front, according to Reporters without Borders (RSF), which has expressed solidarity with the journalist.


The NGO said that the expulsion of Santana is "a symptom of the tension of Rabat on the Saharawi question" as well as "the difficulties of access to Western Sahara journalists face" and the policy of "obstruction to freedom of information imposed by the Moroccan authorities in this territory. "


It added that the Moroccan occupation authorities prevent major access to the Saharawi territory by international observers, members of organizations defending human rights and journalists.


The NGOs called on Morocco to allow journalists and foreigners access to the territory without any obstacles that may hinder their work.

Reporters without Borders noted that on March 6, 2013 four MEPs were deported from the Saharawi territory  an five parliamentary assistants who came as  an observation mission to the European Parliament on the human rights situation in Western Sahara. (SPS)
