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WFDY : It is unacceptable that Western Sahara still lacks UN human rights protecting mechanisms

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Geneva, June06, 2013 (SPS)- The World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY),  non-governmental organization, has said that “It is unacceptable that Western Sahara still lacks an official UN human rights permanent monitoring and reporting mechanisms while it is still on the UN list of decolonization and under its authority”, in Written statement submitted to the Human Rights Council in Geneva on May22, 2013


The organization recommend that “the UN Security Council to reconsider extending the UN Mission in Western Sahara, MINURSO, as the easiest and most practical way to monitor the situation on a daily basis”


It also called on Morocco to “immediately release all Saharawi activists and human rights defenders in prison and to drop all charges unjustly put on them”.


“We advice Morocco to facilitate the registration and operation of all Saharawi organizations and making sure their activities are not hindered” says the statement


WFDYalso urged Morocco “to allow Saharawi peaceful demonstrations, to abstain from

provoking activists, as well as stop intimidating and harassing them”.


“Western Sahara is still a Non-Self-Governing territory and it is the duty of the UN and all members States to make sure that the rights of its people are respected and enforced, especially their inalienable right to self-determination and independence” WFDY statement says


It also stated that “Morocco, as a de facto occupying force, must cooperate with the international community to enable the people of the territory to exercise this right by cooperating with all UN mechanisms to allow them to monitor and protect all human rights in this colony, including the right to self-determination and the right of the people of Western Sahara to full property and control over their natural resources”.(SPS)
