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Minister of Culture stresses Africa’s leading role in supporting Saharawi cause

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Abuja, June 29, 2013 (SPS) - The Minister of Culture Ms. Khadija Hamdi has highlighted from Abuja the leading role played by Africa in supporting the struggle of Saharawi people, in a speech delivered Friday on the occasion of the High Level Meeting of GlobalPOWEr Women Network Africa, convened in the capital of Nigeria (Abuja).

Ms. Khadija Hamdi talked about the flagrant violations of human rights being committed by Moroccan state against Saharawi women in the occupied territory of Western Sahara.

“The completion of Africa’s sovereignty requires awareness from African women to the suffering of Saharawi women and to the importance of showing solidarity with them to achieve self-determination and national independence,” said the Minister.

Recalled to the situation of women in Africa, the Saharawi official indicated that the vestiges of colonialism and apartheid remain the umbrella under which all diseases nest, including the AIDS, ignorance, backwardness and violence, among others.

This, added Ms. Hamdi, requires real participation by women in the decision-making positions, hence she is the closest to recognize the everyday problems of the family and the community, calling for the liberation of women and youth’s initiatives, especially those complementary to the governments’ efforts, and to benefit from African capabilities and competencies specialized in the fields of research and the support of sustainable development programmes.

She, therefore, urged to intensify sensitization campaigns in all mass media and make use of the social networking websites effectively, in a way that deepens Africa’s unity and integration, economically and culturally. (SPS)
