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Council of Ministers asks UN to shoulder responsibility towards decolonization of Western Sahara

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Sept 1, 2013 (SPS) - The Council of Ministers has called on the Unite Nations Organization (UN) to shoulder its responsibilities vis-à-vis the decolonization of Western Sahara, by enabling the Saharawi people to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination an independence.

In a statement concluded a meeting held Sunday chaired by the President of the Republic Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, the Council called for ensuring the protection and safety of Saharawi citizens in a territory under UN responsibility, as to establish a UN mechanism which allows the MINURSO to protect, monitor and report about human rights in the Western Sahara.

It, therefore, demanded the immediate halt of Moroccan looting of Saharawi natural resources, calling, in the same regard, on the European Union not to engage in a shameful stealing of the wealth of an oppressed people and to refrain from signing any agreement with the Moroccan occupation state affecting the territory or territorial waters of Western Sahara. (SPS)
