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Former Mozambique President calls for speedy solution to Saharawi issue

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Maputo, March 6, 2014 (SPS) - Former President of the Republic of Mozambique Mr. Joaquim Alberto Chissano has called for the need to speed up the settlement of Saharawi issue, through a free, just and imapartial referendum ensuring the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence.

In a meeting with the Saharawi Ambassador in Mozambique Mr. Wadadi Cheick Ahmed Lheiba, Mr. Chissano voiced "unconditional" solidarity and support to the Saharawi people’s fight for total sovereignty.

The Saharawi diplomat, for his part, informed his interlocutor about the latest developments on the peace process in Western Sahara, especially Morocco’s obstructions to the UN efforts aimed at reaching a solution in accordance with international legitimacy.

The two sides examined the need to form a Mozambique committee to support the Saharawis people.

Mr. Chissano had previously visited the Saharawi refugee camps and liberated territories of Western Sahara, during his tenure in the presidency of Mozambique from 1986 to 2005.

He is one of the founding members of the Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo). He served as a foreign minister after the inependence of Mozambique.

Currently, he is the Chairperson of the Joaquim Chissano Foundation and of the Africa Forum of Former African Heads of State and Government.

The meeting was also attended by the first-secretary at SADR embassy in Maputo, Sid Mhamed Ahmed. (SPS)
