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Chilean House of Deputies urges president of republic to recognize SADR

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Santiago, April 3, 2014 (SPS) - Chile’s House of Deputies has called on the President of the Republic Mrs. Michelle Bachelet to recognize the Saharawi Republic (SADR), infromed Wednesday the Argentinian association “Western Sahara voice”.

In a petition signed by the majority of House, Chilean MPs urged President Bachelet to recognize SADR and establish diplomatic relations with it.

Illegally occupied by Morocco since 1975, Western Sahara has been, since 1960, considered as a matter of decolonization, said the petition.

It also undelined that the Polisario Front is recognized at the UN as the legitimate representative of the Saharawi people, adding more than 82 countries worldwide recognize the SADR, a member of the African Union.

According to the Spanish News Agency (EFE), 35 members of the Chilean House of Deputies voted for this petition, 4 voted against and 2 abstained. (SPS)
