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Algeria “satisfied” with UN SG report on Western Sahara

نشر في

Algiers, April 15, 2014 (SPS) - Algeria has welcomed “with satisfaction” UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s report on Western Sahara, presented to the Security Council, said Monday the Algerian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdelaziz Benali Cherif.

“Algeria welcomes the fact that this report recalls that Western Sahara issue is a question of decolonization and that this territory is constantly listed on the UN list of non-self governing territories, since 1963,” the spokesman told Algerian Press Service (APS).

The UN secretary general “reiterates in this very report that the two conflicting parties are the Kingdom of Morocco and Polisario Front and that MINURSO mandate consists in the organization of a self-determination referendum to Western Sahara people.”

This report “highlights the human rights abuses in the occupied territories as well as the appeals of the international community for lasting, independent and impartial monitoring of the human rights situation in Western Sahara,” the same source said.

It “also raises the issue of the plunder of Western Sahara natural resources and calls for handling by the UN in order to preserve the interests of Sahrawi people in compliance with the principles of UN Charter.”

Besides, the UN chief “seizes the Security Council to assume its responsibilities by April 2015, as no breakthrough has been achieved.”

In the direction of fair, lasting and mutually acceptable solution by the two parties to the conflict, Morocco and Polisario Front, a solution that must take in charge the fundamental question relating to the Sahrawi people right to practice freely its right to self-determination.”

Algeria “renews support to the efforts of UN Secretary General and his personal envoy in the search of a political mutually acceptable solution, which guarantees self-determination to the Sahrawi people in line with the resolutions of the UN Security Council and General Assembly.”

It “wishes that the pertinent recommendations included in this report gain support of the members of the Security Council and an extension in the content of the next Resolution,” the spokesman concluded. (SPS)
