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Saharawi Students Union organizes 3rd edition of MINURSO MANDATE

نشر في

Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), April 15, 2014 (SPS) - Saharawi Students Union (UESARIO) organized Monday the 3rd edition of the annual demonstration MINURSO MANDATE, aimed at calling on the Security Council to extend the UN mission in Western Sahara to include human rights and natural resources plunder’s monitoring.

In collaboration with its partners abroad, UESARIO organized Monday simultaneous demonstrations in front of the embassies of the Member States of the UN Security Council in 12 capitals, of which Paris, Madrid, Rome, Brussels, Oslo, Vienna, Berlin, London, Washington, Havana, Mexico and Canberra.

In parallel with that, UESARIO organized a demonstration in the Saharawi refugee camps, which was attended by Saharawi officials, young people and students, in addition to a delegation from the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

Participants in this vigil called upon the UN, through the Security Council, to task the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) with the power to monitor and report about human rights and natural resources plunder.

In a letter adressed on the occasion to ambassadors of the Permanent Member States of the UN Security Council, UESARIO regretted for the fact that the MINURSO remains the only UN mission in the world that has no mandate to monitor human rights, calling for tasking it with such mandate.

These demonstration come in the framework of the national and international campaign for the extension of MINURSO mandate to include human rights monitoring. (SPS)
