تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Minister for Asia Affairs visits Japan

نشر في

Tokyo (Japan), April 26, 2014 (SPS) - The Minister for Asia Affairs, Mr Mouloud Said, visited Friday Tokyo, Japan, and on the course of his visit he met at the parliament with Members of Senate and parliament.


The Sahrawi Minister was the guest speaker at a conference under the title of Western Sahara last colony in Africa that took place in the Senate that was organized jointly by Senator Satsuki Eda and SJJA (the Sahara Japan Journalist Association).


Among the participants were former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, Senator Satsuki Eda, Senator Mizuho Fukushima, Ambassador Ketrandji of Algeria, scholars, artists, TV stations and representatives of Japanese newspapers.


Former Prime Misnister Hatoyama and Senator Mizuho Hukushima expressed their full support and solidarity with the Sahrawi people in the struggle for self-determination.


Senator Satsuki Eda, former Minister of Justice, reiterated the need for a free and fair referendum which is more than overdue as the political solution to the conflict in the Western Sahara.


Ambassador Ketrandji reiterated the principle position of Algeria in support of the legitimate right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination and denounced the ongoing human rights violations by Morocco.


Minister Mouloud Said, after a background of the conflict he spoke about the current situation, highlighting the dramatic human right situation that prevails in the occupied territory and denouncing the efforts by Morocco and France to prevent the monitoring of human rights by MINURSO as requested by the UN Secretary General and the international community.(SPS)