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Polisario Front values UNSC’s attachment to Saharawi people’s self-determination

نشر في

New York, April 29, 2014 (SPS) - Polisario Front has welcomed the UN Security Council’s attachment and commitment to a solution to the conflict of Western Sahara based on the inalienable right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.

In a statement to the press following the adoption by the UNSC of the resolution 2152/2014, Polisaro Fronts Representative to the UN Mr. Boukhari Ahmed said that the POLISARIO shares the assessment and recommendations contained in the Secretary-General’s report, especially his stressing for the need to remain fully engaged until the final legal status of the territory is established, given that Western Sahara is a non-governing territory, still under illegal occupation.

Regretting for the fact that MINURSO is the only UN peacekeeping mission since 1978, not mandated to monitor the situation of human rights, the diplomat highlighted that there is evidences on the ground which indicates that Morocco seriously and systematically violates human rights, despite the UN Secretary-General’s calling for a “sustained, independent and impartial” human rights monitoring mechanism to be established in Western Sahara.

This anomaly, which allows Morocco to continue to oppress the population in the occupied Saharawi territory, he underlined, undermines the credibility of the United Nations.

“The people of Western Sahara will not be intimidated by the intransigence and threats of Morocco and will remain fully engaged in their legitimate struggle for freedom and independence,” concluded Mr. Boukhari Ahmed. (SPS)
