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President of Republic heads to South Africa to attend official inauguration of President Jacob Zuma

نشر في

Pretoria (South Africa), May 22, 2014 (SPS) - At an official invitation of President Jacob Zuma, President of the Republic Secretary-General of  the Polisario front Mohamed abdelaziz headed Thursday to South Africa to take part in his official inauguration after his reelection as President of South Africa and the win of his party, the African National Congress (ANC), in the legislative elections.


The President of the Republic is accompanied in his visit to Pretoria by a delegation including Member of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front Secretary General of Sahrawi Women Union Fatma Mehdi, Member of AU Parliament and vice President of Pan-African Parliament Sweilma Beiruk, Advisor to the Presidency Abdati Breika and Ambassador to South Africa Selha Abed.


The visit will be an opportunity for the President of Republic and the delegation that accompanying him  to hold several meetings to inform the participating delegation on the latest developments related to Western Sahara. (SPS)