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Zimbabwe reiterates support of Sahrawi people’s right

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Harare (Zimbabwe),May 26,2014 (SPS) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Honorable Simbarasshe. S. Mumbengegwi renewed Sunday his country’s support to the Sahrawi people’s right toself-determination and independence deploring that "it is ironic that even the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic is deprived of its sovereignty and independence".  


The Zimbabwean Foreign Minister said during his speech on the occasion of the Africa Day celebrations that dreams of independence of the founding fathers of Africa, most have been achieved, "except for the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (…) is an anomaly that the African Union must work to reverse, "referring to the decolonization of Western Sahara.


The ceremony was attended by members of the Zimbabwean government, the diplomatic corps accredited in Zimbabwe, as well as personalities and representatives of the cultural world and civil society. (SPS)