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Adala UK calls for action against arbitrary detention following large peaceful demonstration in occupied El Aiun

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London, July 6, 2014 (SPS) -  Adala UK, Justice & Human Rights for Western Sahara, has called for an action against arbitrary detention following a large peaceful demonstration in the occupied city of El Aiun, Western Sahara, in a statement on its website.


Adala UK  confirmed that dozens of activists, demonstrators and journalists have been detained without arrest warrants following peaceful demonstrations on 30th June 2014 in El Aiun. Many more are at risk of arbitrary detention.


Two days after the demonstrations, the Moroccan authorities launched a campaign of arbitrary detentions amongst Saharawis who had participated, in the neighbourhoods of Shara Tan Tan, Batimat, Mazwar,Jamal Din Lafghani and Shara Smara in El Aiun. Many people have already been detained whilst others are at risk of detention and prosecution. Detainees include journalists working for the local TV station ‘RASDTV’.


Witnesses have confirmed to Adala UK that some detainees are held at unknown locations, have no contact to the outside world and are denied access to lawyers.


According to the Moroccan tv channels “El Aiun Regional” and “Marruecos 2”, the Moroccan authorities instructed local and national media channels not to cover the events or interview people who might criticize them or the political situation in Western Sahara generally. (SPS)