تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

“Decolonization: Western Sahara case,” title of lecture at Nairobi University

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Nairobi, July 16, 2014 (SPS) - Ambassador of the Saharawi Republic (SADR) in Kenya Mr. Abba Almud presented Tuesday a lecture about the decolonization and the latest developments of the question of Western Sahara at the University of Nairobi, said a statement issued by SADE embassy in Nairobi.

Hosted by the Department of International Relations of Nairobi University under the title “decolonization: case of Western Sahara”, the lecture explored the historical background of the conflict in Western Sahara and the legitimate struggle of the Saharawi people for self-determination and independence.

The lecturer focused on the legal bases of the question of Western Sahara in the framework of the charters of the United Nations (UN) and African Union (AU).

The Saharawi diplomat spoke about the deteriorating state of human rights and peaceful resistance waged by the Saharawis in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, stressing the need to extend MINURSO mandate to include the monitoring and reporting of human rights abuses as to dismantle Moroccan Wall of Shame, which constitutes a crime against humanity.

He also pointed out to international community’s failure to find a peaceful solution to the Saharawi issue, adding that Morocco continues to impose a tight military siege over the occupied Saharawi territories and to plunder the territory’s natural resources.

He, therefore, urged the African Union (AU) to play an active role in order to pressurize Morocco, internationally and regionally, to comply with international legitimacy as well as with AU resolutions, visions and policies. (SPS)
