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SADR takes part at emergency meeting of AU Executive Council on Ebola

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Addis Ababa, Sept 9, 2014 (SPS) - The Saharawi Republic (SADR) takes part to an emergency meeting of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU) devoted to the fighting of the Ebola disease prevailed in West Africa.

Speaking during the meeting, Saharawi Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Salek voiced SADR’s solidarity with governments and peoples of West African region, which are affected by the Ebola disease.

“Africa must rely on itself and on its own potential. Fighting this disease should be a responsibility of all African countries,” said Ould Salek, calling for “rapid action and coherent coordination” from the part of the Member States of the African Union.

He also called for the need to provide the necessary support and assistance to peoples of the countries affected by this serious disease.

The Saharawi minister is accompanied by Mr. Lamane Baali, ambassador in Ethiopia and permanent representative to the AU, and Mr. Daha Lud, second-secretary in the permanent mission to the AU.

The Saharawi delegation held this morning several talks with some participating delegations. (SPS)
