تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

UESARIO new Executive Bureau holds first meeting

نشر في

Shahid Hafed, September 15, 2014 (SPS) The new executive board of the Student Union of Saguia El-Hamra and Rio de Oro (UESARIO) held its first meeting Sunday at the headquarters of the organization in Shahid Hafed (camps Sahrawi refugees).


The meeting was chaired by the Secretary General, Moulay Brahim M'hamed, and focused on the outcome of the last meeting of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front and the active role of the UESARIO.


It also discussed ways to implement the national program of action of the second congress, held August 22-25, in the wilaya Awserd.  


During the meeting, Secretary General of UESARIO Moulay Brahim M'hamed announced the new Executive Bureau of the organization, and they were Nadjem Bashri Brahim, in charge of Information, Khalihena Mohamed Moustapha, in charge of External Relations, Alaly Mahmoud Sheikh, in charge of Cooperation, Abdelahy Mahfoud, in charge of Administration, Kabada Hamad Sid, in charge of Orientation and Sensitization, Eza Brahim Salem, in charge of Culture and Sport, Sharihan Yekber, in charge of Studies and Research.


Finally, the members of the Executive Bureau expressed their appreciation for the spirit of harmony and mutual respect between the new leadership of the organization, stating their commitment to work to achieve the major objectives of Saharawi people. (SPS)

