تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Saharawi territories are contaminated with more than 5 million anti-personnel mines (ambassador)

نشر في

Algiers, Oct 21, 2014 (SPS) - Occupied Saharawi territories are contaminated with more than 5 million anti-personnel mines, planted by Moroccan occupying regime, said Tuesday in Algiers Mr. Brahim Ghali, Ambassador of the Saharawi Republic (SADR) in Algiers.

“The Moroccan occupying regime has planted more than five million anti-personnel landmines in the Saharawi territories, let alone anti-group landmines,” the Saharawi Ambassador told the Algerian Press Service (ASP), on the sidelines of the opening of a photo exhibition about mine clearance.

Underlying that such mines are well protected by Moroccan occupying regime, the diplomat said that they have so far caused several casualties among the Saharawi people, including of which children and women.

He added that Morocco has made no effort to remove the mines it planted in the Saharawi territories, adding this clearly demonstrates the aggressive intention of such a colonizer.

The Saharawi official took this occasion to launch an urgent appeal to the United Nations to complete the decolonization process, highlighting that the eradication of colonialism will inevitably put away the causes of death and destruction, among of which mines. (SPS)
