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Slovenia renews support to self-determination of Saharawi people

نشر في

Ljubljana, Oct 23, 2014 (SPS) - Chairman of the Slovenian Parliament’s External Relations Committee, Jozef Horvat, reaffirmed his country’s support to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination, voicing support to UN-led mediation to find a peaceful solution to the conflict if Western Sahara.

In a reception on Wednesday granted to Polisario Front Representative Mr. Sid Malainin Ahmed, the Slovenian official voiced his country’s support to the UN-led mediation by Christopher Ross to reach a peaceful solution to the conflict of Western Sahara.

Expressing profound concern over the situation in the territory, Mr. Horvat urged the international community to engage, now more than ever, in the process of bringing about a peaceful solution to the issue of Western Sahara.

Saharawi Diplomat, for his part, informed his interlocutors about the latest developments on the question of Western Sahara, especially Morocco’s continuous violations of human rights, expulsion of international observers, illegal exploitation of Saharawi natural resources and its obstruction to the UN Settlement Plan. (SPS)
