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Spanish people pro-Sahrawi, Spanish rulers pro-business (Pablo Iglesias)

نشر في

Madrid, November 15, 2014 (SPS) -The leader of Spanish party “Podemos,” Pablo Iglesias, affirmed that the Spanish society is "pro-Sahrawi," while the Spanish rulers have demonstrated that they are "pro-business,"in speech Friday evening at the opening of the 39th European Conference for Support and Solidarity with the Saharawi People, held in the Spanish capital, Madrid.


 Speaking at the EUCOCO, Pablo Iglesias affirmed that "more than 90% of the Spanish population" is in favor of the independence of the Sahara, while some parties "prefer to represent the interests of a minority", that Mr. Iglesias qualifiedas "an example of divorce between the political class and the interests of the majority of the population."


Theleaderof “Podemos” accused the Spanish governments of "not doing enough" to change a "situation inherited from the dictatorship," despite the international law and the United Nations, he said, "I never tired of repeating that Spain remains administratively and politically responsible of the Western Sahara".


 Mr. Iglesias pledged thathis party will boost a "democratic change" which also happens because the Saharawi people "want their rights and their country" which was "unjustly taken from them."


 On behalf ofhis formation, he called for the international community, particularly the EU and Spanish Government to "take responsibility" and demanded that"the international law and human rights are fulfilled."


"Spain continues to be an administrator and ruler of the Western Sahara, Morocco has invaded a Spanish colonial territory and illegally exploiting its resources," he concluded. (SPS)

