تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Demonstration in Spain calling for independence of Western Sahara

نشر في

Madrid, November 17, 2014 (SPS) - Thousands of demonstrators in Madrid Sunday called for a vote on independence for Western Sahara, occupied by Morocco since 1975.


Protesters took to the streets to "ask the Spanish government to intervene to help Sahrawis to be able to vote to decide" their status, according to Jose Taboada, President of the Spanish Coordination of Associations of Solidarity with Western Sahara, which organized the event.


The demonstration was organized in parallel to the European Conference of Support and Solidarity with the Saharawi People (EUCOCO), chaired by Pierre Galand, who urged on Saturday in Madrid, the international community to adopt a "coherent policy "regarding  the Western Sahara issue and enable the Saharawi people to exercise their right to self-determination. (SPS)

