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Saharawi civil society in occupied territories calls for annulment of Crans Montana Forum

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El Aaiun (occupied territories), March 10, 2015 (SPS) - Saharawi civil society components in the occupied territories of Western Sahara organizations has called for the cancellation of Crans Montana Forum, to be held in the occupied city of Dajla next Thursday.

In a letter addressed to numerous organizations and personalities worldwide, components of Saharawi civil society in the occupied Western Sahara urged the United Nations (UN), as well as international and regional organizations “to align themselves with the African Union (AU) in boycotting such forum to be held in the occupied city of Dakhla.”

Asking donors to stop supporting Crans Montana Forum, the letter took note of their responsibilities towards the rights of the Saharawi people.

“We will use all available means, including organizing large-scale campaign in collaboration with our friends, to protest against the Forum and its participants, of which companies, institutions, organizations and individuals,” stated the letter.

They also declared to hold a variety of protests in parallel with the Forum, inviting all the Saharawis and their foreign friends, wherever they might be, to interact with it. (SPS)
