تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

President of Republic congratulates new President-elect of Nigeria

نشر في

Bir Lehlou (liberated zones), April 1, 2015 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz on Wednesday sent a letter of congratulations to General Muhammadu Buhari, on his election as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“I take great pleasure in conveying to your Excellency, on behalf of my government and the people of the Saharawi Republic, sincere greetings and congratulations on your election as president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,” writes President Mohamed Abdelaziz, in his letter to General Muhammadu Buhari.

The letter underlined that with his impeccable credentials, Mr. Buhari stands in “a solid position” to lead Nigeria in its journey towards joining the community of developed nations and in ensuring world peace and justice for all nations of the world.

Saharawi President highlighted that Nigeria’s firm and continuous support to the struggle of the Saharawi people “is the clearest testament of her commitment to an emancipated Africa that is free from all forms of injustice and colonialism.”

He also added that the Saharawi people and indeed all freedom lovers in Africa and the world have never forgotten the historic decision by Nigeria, under Buhari leadership, in November 1984 to recognize the Saharawi Republic (SADR) that led subsequently to its official admission in the Organization of African Unity.

In addition, I would also like to acknowledge the existing close and warm bilateral relations between our two sister countries that we have developed over the years and look forward to further consolidate in the interest of our peoples.

He, on other hand, hailed the wisdom and statesmanship of H.E. President Jonathan Goodluck in making of today Nigeria a leading example of democracy and peaceful democratic processes in Africa.

Following the full text of the letter:

H.E. General Muhammadu Buhari,

President-elect of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Abuja – Federal Republic of Nigeria

Excellency and dear brother,

I take great pleasure in conveying to your Excellency, on behalf of my government and the people of the Saharawi Republic, sincere greetings and congratulations on your election as president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

By successfully completing a major democratic exercise of popular voting in the presidential elections last Saturday 28 March 2015, the good people of Nigeria have once again proved their commitment to democracy, development and progress. In fact, during and after the electoral process, Nigerians and Nigerian leaders have taught the world a great lesson of patriotism, discipline and high level of civic- mindedness.

Excellency and dear brother,

You have been providing leadership to Africa’s largest economy in various capacities, especially during your position as Head of State and leader of the opposition in the last decade. We are certain that with your impeccable credentials you stand in a solid position to lead Nigeria in its journey towards joining the community of developed nations and in ensuring world peace and justice for all nations of the world.

Nigeria’s firm and continuous support to the struggle of the Saharawi people is the clearest testament of her commitment to an emancipated Africa that is free from all forms of injustice and colonialism. In this regard, I would like to recall the historic decision of your administration in November 1984 to recognize the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic that led subsequently to its official admission in the Organization of African Unity. The Saharawi people and indeed all freedom lovers in Africa and the world have never forgotten that instrumental decision by Nigeria under your leadership. In addition, I would also like to acknowledge the existing close and warm bilateral relations between our two sister countries that we have developed over the years and look forward to further consolidate in the interest of our peoples.

May I take this opportunity to commend your Excellency and H.E. President Jonathan Goodluck on your wisdom and statesmanship that is making of Nigeria today the leader by example of democracy and peaceful democratic processes in Africa. I also would like to convey my best wishes for Your Excellency's personal good health, prosperity for the Federal Republic of Nigeria and a successful and pleasant term of office.

Please accept, Excellency and dear brother, the assurances of my highest consideration.” (SPS)
