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Polisario representative received at Danish Social Democratic Party

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Copenhagen, April 14, 2015 (SPS) - The Representative of POLISARIO front to Denmark, Mr. Abba Malainin, was received Tuesday by Mr. Simon Redder, the International Secretary at the headquarters of the Danish Social Democratic Party.

The meeting focused on the latest developments in Western Sahara, the recent report of the UN Secretary General and the obstacles and dilatory tactics to maintain the political impasse and to hinder any advance for UN peaceful process for the last colony in Africa.

The discussions also tackled the recent African Union Report and the Communiqué of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU) on the situation in Western Sahara

The Saharawi diplomat underlined that the core issue, which could guarantee a final and durable solution for the Western Sahara issue is the respect of the right of the people of Western Sahara to Self-determination, through holding of UN supervised referendum.

The Saharawi Diplomat also underlined the urgent need that MINURSO gets a mandate for monitoring human rights in Western Sahara.

The Saharawi Diplomat emphasized to his interlocutor that Europe could assume a more proactive role for the respect of the international legality and to end injustice in occupied Western Sahara for the benefit of all.

It is worth mentioning that The Social Democratic Party and the Social Liberal Party are leading the actual coalition Government in Denmark (SPS)
