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MINURSO restricted prerogatives encourage Morocco to commit human rights abuses

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Accra, April 14, 2015 (SPS) - Ghana Forum for Solidarity with Western Sahara said Monday in Accra that restricting the prerogative of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to peacekeeping only has encouraged Morocco to perpetrate, with complete impunity, blatant human rights violations.

“Limiting MINURSO's prerogatives to peacekeeping only has encouraged Morocco, the occupying power, to commit, with impunity, flagrant human rights violations against Saharawi people," said Akopo Ampaw, the Forum’s president.

The statement came in a letter the forum’s chief addressed to the UN secretary general, as Western Sahara issue, including MINURSO prerogatives, is on the agenda of a UN Security Council meeting this month

Copies of the letter have been sent to the Security Council’s 15 permanent member countries. (SPS)
