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Time for an independent Western Sahara (Norwegian Labour Party)

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Oslo, April 18, 2015 (SPS) - The biannual congress of the Norwegian Labour Party stated that "Western Sahara must now have its independence", in a motion adopted Friday.


The Labour Party demands that Norway gets engaged so the parties reach a political solution to end the conflict and contribute to the Saharawi’s legitimate right to self-determination and freedom.  


It also demands the expansion of the mandate of MINURSO (The United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara) to include the surveillance of human rights situation in Western Sahara, and the retrial of Sahrawi civilians sentenced in military courts in line with international legal principles.


The Labour Party demands Norway to double the humanitarian aid to the Saharawi people, to advise against Norwegian business engagements in Western Sahara, in line with the trade recommendation issued by the Government Stoltenberg II, and work in other international fora so other countries do the same, and to continue the practice of excluding companies carrying out exploration and exploitation of natural resources in Western Sahara.


The Labour Party will take initiatives to put pressure on Spain and France on the question of Western Sahara in relevant fora, such as gathering of European Socialists.


It will work towards the recognition of Norway to Western Sahara as an independent state. (SPS)

