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Polisario Front to reconsider cooperation with MINURSO if it abandons goal of its mission, says Khadad

نشر في

New York, April 24, 2015 (SPS) - The Saharawi Coordinator with the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) M'hamed Khaddad said that the Polisario Front will reconsider its cooperation with MINURSO in case it will not fill its primary mission of holding a free, fair and impartial referendum in Western Sahara.


"Abandoning this goal will push the Polisario Front to review its cooperation with MINURSO," said the Saharawi diplomat in a statement to a foreign news agency, stressing that "the Front Polisario cannot accept that this mission moves in the Saharawi territories as if they were Moroccan territories."


Khadad expressed the concerns of the Saharawi party "in case UN fails to meet its commitments to hold a referendum under pressure from the Moroccan regime", reiterating the call of the Polisario Front to broaden the MINURSO mandate to the control and protection of human rights in Western Sahara.


The Secretary General of the UN stated in his 2014 report to the international community that if there is no progress by mid-April 2015, the time is right to invite the members of the Council to fully review the context it has set up on April 2007 for the negotiation process. (SPS)

