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Algeria “satisfied” with UN’s commitment to just settlement of Western Sahara conflict

نشر في

Algiers, April 28, 2015 (SPS) - Algeria said, through the voice of the spokesman of its Foreign Affairs Ministry Abdelaziz Benali Cherif, is satisfied the UN’s commitment, in the Security Council Resolution 2218, to a political just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution which provides for the auto-determination of the people of Western Sahara in accordance with principles and objectives of the United Nations Charter and resolutions of the General Assembly, the Security Council and the universal Decolonization doctrine.

“Algeria expresses the wish the efforts of the United Nations and the African Union will fully contribute to the political settlement of the conflict in Western Sahara and to end the current impasse in the completion of the decolonization of this territory, registered by the United Nations on the list of Non-Self-governing territory for over half a century,” said the source.

“Besides, Algeria welcomes the mobilization of the international community so that the UN handle the issue of monitoring human rights in Western Sahara and notes with interest the call of the members of the Security Council for the development and implementation of independent and credible measures to ensure full respect for human rights in the territory of Western Sahara,” he added.

“As a neighboring country and observer of the settlement process, Algeria reaffirms its support for the Secretary-General of the United Nations and his Personal Envoy, Ambassador Christopher Ross, and assures them of its cooperation in their efforts to help Morocco and the Polisario Front to achieve a settlement that allows the people of Western Sahara to freely exercise their right to self-determination,” the Algerian official underlined.

“In this regard, Algeria reiterates its appeal to both parties, Morocco and the Polisario Front, to continue working in good faith, under the auspices of the United Nations in order to achieve, through direct negotiations without preconditions, a fair and lasting solution to the conflict in the interest of both Moroccan and Sahrawi brotherly peoples and all the peoples of the Maghreb,” the spokesman of the Algerian Foreign Ministry added. (SPS)
