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SADR takes part in 7th Friendly Cultures Fair 2015 in Mexico

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 Mexico, May 16, 2015 (SPS) - The Saharawi Republic is taking part, along more than 93 embassies, in 7th Friendly Cultures Fair 2015, organized by the Federal Government of Mexico May 14 to 24, reported the SADR Embassy in Mexico.


 The official opening ceremony of the Fair was supervised by the Chief of Government, accompanied by ministers, the diplomatic corps accredited to the United Mexican States and Mexican civil society.


 The Saharawi stand contains several compartments, food, crafts, books, music and documentaries, as well as a photo exhibition.


 The event will see the presentation of Sahrawi books and projection of documentaries on the history of the Saharawi people.


The United States of Mexico has recognized SADR in 1979 and since 1982, the two countries maintain diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level, it should be recalled. (SPS)

