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SADR guest of honor at the 9th edition of the National Festival of Music Diwan

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Bechar, June 11,2015 (SPS) .- The SADR took part as guest of honor at the 9th edition of the National Festival of Music Diwan held from 8 to 13 June in Bechar.


The Saharawi group "El Amel" opened on Monday the festival with music sung in Hasania with tidinit’s melody (instrument similar to goumbri and Ngoni) and the rhythm of female tbel.


Through our presence, we want to convey a message: the Western Sahara has its own cultural heritage, including Gnawi is true that Morocco has its culture, its music and its Diwan called Gnawi, but the Western Sahara also has its own Gnawi. That we just presented on the occasion of this festival, "Lemmen Mohamedsaid.



From her part, Tarba Baby, from El Amel’s group, "the songs and dances are inspired by our local heritage, the Saharawi. Girls are taught from an early age, to dance to preserve our music but especially our identity. The Saharawi woman is ahead of popular struggles and action on the cultural front that makes visible and legible these struggles. "This is the main objective of the group's participation in different festivals of which the last took place in Oued Souf. SPS

