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The wall of shame has negative economic, environmental, political and social consequences (Bucharaya Beyun)

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Madrid, 07/02/2015 (SPS) .- The wall has negative economic, environmental, political and social consequences, said Bucharaya Beyún, Polisario Front representative in Spain.


"To speak about the wall is to speak about the occupation. Because from the international law view point, Morocco is, militarily, an occupying country de facto and the wall is the major illustration of this occupation. And that wall has negatif economic, environmental, political and social consequences. It separates families and divide the territory”, said Beyún in a statement given to the television network Russia Today.

Russia Today said in a report on the defensive wall that divides the territory of Western Sahara, "the fields of the wall date back since 1980 when Morocco decided to hinder the attacks of the Polisario Front and the possible return of displaced Sahrawi to the desert. Since then, some families, after being on either side, have not seen each other. In spite of a ceasefire since 1991, the barrier remains. "


"A division which is constantly denounced by humanitarian and human rights organizations. However, the ball is in the court of a policy as insurmountable as this barrier in the desert, "concludes the report. SPS