تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Over 400 participants in summer University of Saharawi Republic executives in Boumerdes

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Boumerdes, 25 July 2015 (SPS) - The works of the Summer University of executives of the Polisario Front and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) have opened Saturday in Boumerdes, with the participation of over 400 executives, including members of the Government and representatives of the Polisario Front and the Saharawi people in the occupied territories.


The kicking off the meeting, which is in its sixth year, was marked by the presence of Prime Minister of the SADR, Abdelkader Taleb Omar, several ambassadors of foreign countries in Algeria, the President of the Algerian National Committee of solidarity with the Saharawi people (CNASPS), chairmen of Algerian political parties, MPs, university researchers and representatives of civil society.


The event, which will run until August 12, bears the name of the Saharawi martyr "Hassan Elouali" under the slogan "The Moroccan policy in the region: expansion, drug promotion and instability."


The series of communications scheduled for the first day of the meeting was initiated by the Chairperson of this summer university, Mohamed Lamine Ahmed, who hailed "the constant and courageous position of Algeria vis-à-vis the Saharawi question, despite global and regional political consequences of such a position."


For his part, Ibrahim Ghali, Ambassador of SADR to Algeria, stressed that the holding of this summer university takes place in a context marked by "the pursuit of repressive policies and violations of human rights by the occupant on the Saharawi territory."


For his part, the President of the CNASPS, Said El Ayachi, said that this meeting is a "popular, political and media tribune for exchanges of experiences, dialogue and discussions on topics related to the struggle of the Saharawi people."


"The summer university is also an opportunity to reaffirm the solidarity of Algeria with the Saharawi people and insist on legitimate claim to its independence, a claim supported by many countries and world organizations and International law," he added.


"The Saharawi cause is supported by more than 120 countries and it is impossible to the Algerian people to endorse the policy of repression practiced by Morocco against the Sahrawi people," recalled El Ayachi, who expressed his conviction that "sooner or later a just settlement of the Saharawi question through a self-determination referendum will be reached."


 The summer university's program includes several political communications and conferences to be hosted by academic researchers, experts and representatives of study centers across the country. (SPS)

