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SADR takes part at reception of US President Barack Obama

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Addis Ababa, July 29, 2015 (SPS) - The Saharawi Republic (SADR) participated Tuesday in Addis Ababa in the reception ceremony of the US President Barack Obama, as part of a historic visit Kenya, Ethiopi a and African Union headquarters.

The SADR represented at the event by Mr. Omar Al-Bardi, First Secretary of SADR embassy in Ethiopia, Maria Eid Saila, from the permanent mission to the AU, and Wadadi Salek, media and cultural attaché.

Addressing the Union, President Obama urged the world to change its stereotypes attitude towards the African continent given the profound transformations towards progress and development taking place in its countries.

He added that Africa’s aspiration to achieve democratic governance requires the respect for peoples’ will and enable them to exercise their natural right of choice. (SPS)
