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Christopher Ross examines with Mauritanian Prime Minister latest developments in Western Sahara

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Nouakchott (Mauritania) December 01, 2015 (SPS) - The special envoy of the UN Secretary General to Western Sahara, Christopher Ross held Monday in Nouakchott (Mauritania), last stage of his tour in the region, discussions with Mauritanian Prime Minister, Yahia Ould Hademine.


The meeting took place in the presence of the deputy minister at the ministry of Foreign Affairs and cooperation, in charge of Maghreb and African Affairs and Mauritanians Abroad, Khadidja M'barck Fall.


Ross’ visit to the region is part of the pursuit of the United Nations’ efforts for the settlement of the Sahrawi conflict, and the relaunch of negotiations between the parties in conflict (Morocco-Polisario Front).


Christopher Ross, who had previously gone to Algeria, Morocco and Sahrawi refugee camps should present, at the end of his visit, a report to the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, who plans on visiting the region, beginning of 2016, to obtain a real commitment from Morocco and the Polisario Front, to start negotiations without preconditions. (SPS)


