تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

UN efforts for resolution of Sahrawi issue hampered by Morocco's obstacles

نشر في

ALGIERS, January 21, 2016 (SPS) - United Nations efforts for the resolution of the Western Sahara issue have been undermined by Moroccan hindrances, said Thursday in Algiers Mohamed Salem Ould Salek, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).

"UN efforts to resolve the Sahrawi issue have been hampered by Morocco's obstacles," Ould Salek told the press following his discussions with Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ramtane Lamamra, adding that Polisario Front and the Sahrawi government are working with the UN for the decolonization of Western Sahara, the last colony in Africa.

The Sahrawi Foreign minister called on the international community to assume its responsibilities regarding the Sahrawi people, their right to self-determination and the implementation of UN resolutions.

Ould Salek thanked Algeria and President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika for his "position of principle supporting the legitimate right of Sahrawi people to self-determination, as well as all the liberation movements around the world and peoples' struggle for independence," he added.

The Sahrawi minister said that his discussions with Lamamra were "positive," adding that they focused on issues relating to the "developments of the Sahrawi issue, cooperation and the agenda of the forthcoming African Union Summit."

The question of Western Sahara will be high on the AU Summit's agenda, he said, adding that Johannesburg summit "urged the UN to set a date for the holding of a referendum on the self-determination of the Sahrawi people."

Western Sahara, as a member of the AU, attaches great importance to the consolidation of peace and security in Africa, cooperation and partnership between AU member states. (SPS)

