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Parliamentarians in Bundestag call on international community to assume responsibility in Western Sahara conflict

نشر في

Berlin, 22/01/16 (SPS) - Parliamentarians in Bundestag Kerstin Tack (SPD) and Katja Keul (Alliance 90/ The Greens) have called on the international community to assume its responsibility in the conflict in Western Sahara, according to a press release issued following the four-day visit to the Saharawi refugee camps.


After analyzing the situation of conflict and conditions of the Saharawi refugees, the German parliamentarians declare:


"The frozen conflict in Western Sahara could break out easily again. The international community should not lose sight of the situation of the refugees in the Western Sahara conflict.


Europe must abandon the contemplation that it has so far with Morocco and finally give the Sahrawi people a perspective. In particular, the young generation desperately needs political and economic opportunities for the future. Otherwise, there is a great danger that the ceasefire in place since 1991 could be broken. This would lead to further unknown destabilization dimensions in North Africa.


There has been a United Nations resolution since 1991, according to which there must be a free referendum in the territory of Western Sahara. Morocco, which has occupied territory since the withdrawal of the Spain in 1975, has so far prevented such consultation. For this reason we salute that the European Court has rejected at first instance in December 2015 the trade agreement between the EU and Morocco, as the occupied territory was included in it as part of Morocco.


Food supply to the refugee camps in Algeria has strained for years. In autumn last year, the Saharawi refugee camps suffered severe flooding, which has further worsened living conditions. Also this precarious humanitarian situation further increases the risk, which could lead to a new armed conflict in the region. " (SPS)

