تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Moroccan authorities expel Spanish delegation from occupied city of Dakhla

نشر في

Dakhla (occupied territories), January 30, 2016 (SPS) - The Moroccan occupation authorities have expelled Friday from the occupied city of Dakhla a Spanish delegation intended to visit Sahrawi families in the city.


The delegation from the Island of Tenerife had boarded a flight from Las Palmas but upon landing at the airport in the occupied city of Dakhla the airplane was surrounded by Moroccan security services and authorities who prevented the delegation members from disembarking and sent them back on the same flight.


Morocco has expelled recently 67 international observers from the occupied territories of Western Sahara in attempt to hide the crimes perpetrated against the Sahrawi people. (SPS)

