تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Strong indignation following “cowardly” assassination of Sahrawi citizen by Moroccan forces

نشر في

Boujdour (Refugee Camps)- The “cowardly” assassination of Sahrawi citizen Chamad Bad Djouli by Moroccan occupying forces provoked indignation among the Sahrawi refugees who condemn, once again, the occupant’s barbarism and call on the international community to put an end to the “precarious and vulnerable” situation they suffer from for forty years.


It is with broken hearts and filled with sadness that the Sahrawi refugees in Boujdour camps condemned “the despicable crime committed against a defenseless Sahrawi shot in front members of the MINURSO and in a buffer zone where the use of weapon is banned.”


“We received, with great sadness and sorrow the news of this despicable crime committed on our liberated territories,” Sahrawi refugee M'barek Moussa Essalem told APS, adding that “it is a war crime.”


“What happened to Chamad Bad Djouli can happen to any Sahrawi citizen as long as the region is not subject to the jurisdiction of human rights,” he said.


Speaking in the same regard, Ennadjem Mad Yahdhih, another Sahrawi refugee of the camp of Boujdour expressed his anger and his indignation following this “vile act contrary to military ethics: fire real bullets at a shepherd in the desert. This reminds me of the sufferings of Algerians as a result of the crimes committed by the French colonizer.”


Sahrawis, peaceful people concerned with the security of the region


“Sahrawis have repeatedly shown their desire to preserve peace and security in the region, aware of the challenges that the building of an Arab Maghreb involves,” said the young Sahrawi M'hamed Lamine Manjreh.


“The Sahrawi people suffered, during the past 25 years, from the provocation of the Moroccan party who always tried to sow instability in the region,” he added.


For his part, Dhih Laid (65 years old) said that “Sahrawis are capable of defending themselves and history will remember the bravery and the sacrifices they made for their country.”


On February 27th, the Moroccan occupying forces opened fire, without warning, on Sahrawis in the buffer zone of Gueltet Zemmour, an area where the use of weapons is banned under an agreement signed by the Polisario Front and Morocco in 1991. A Sahrawi citizen, Chamad Bad Djouli was killed in the attack.


Several similar cases occurred in the region over the past 25 years. Many Sahrawis were killed and others injured. (SPS)

