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Head of Arab Committee for Solidarity with Sahrawi People highlights similarities between Israeli and Moroccan repressive policies towards Sahrawi and Palestinian peoples

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Head of Arab Committee for Solidarity with Sahrawi People highlights similarities between Israeli and Moroccan repressive policies towards Sahrawi and Palestinian peoples

Beirut (Lebanon), June 8, 2024 (SPS) - The Head of the Arab Committee for Solidarity with the Sahrawi People, Mahmoud Saleh, highlighted the similarities between the repressive colonial policies practiced by the Moroccan Makhzen regime and the racist practices of the Israeli entity against the Palestinian people.

In an intervention during a media cinference on the Sahrawi issue in Beirut, Mahmoud Saleh explained the many similarities between the repressive colonial policies practiced by the Moroccan Makhzen regime and the crimes committed by the Israeli racist entity against the Palestinian people.

Mahmoud Saleh emphasized the historical facts that refute the expansionist claims and dreams of the Moroccan regime, stressing that there is not a single piece of evidence proving the existence of sovereign links between Western Sahara and the Kingdom of Morocco. He said, "the Sahrawis do not resemble the Moroccans, and all historical documents and testimonies refute the claims of the Makhzen and its corrupt regime."

In conclusion, he affirmed the existing reality of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, which is a founding member of the African Union and is recognized by more than eighty countries in the world, and Morocco sits alongside it on an equal footing in the African Union organization.