Shaheed Hafed, 26 January 2024 (SPS) - The President of the World Union of Hassaniya Writers, Mr. Douh Ould Baniouk, began a visit to the Sahrawi Republic on Friday, indicated the Central Directorate of Protocol.
Upon his arrival at Tindouf Airport, Mr. Baniouk was received by the Minister of Culture, Musa Salma, who held an extended meeting with him at the conference hall in the wilaya of Smara.
He will also have another meeting with the Minister of Education and Vocational Training, Khatri Adouh, along with other national figures.
The guest of the Sahrawi people will also receive a popular reception in the wilaya of Smara, which will include a cultural and poetic session.
The President of the World Union of Hassaniya Writers will meet several officials of the SADR and the Polisarion Front, including the Secretary of the Political Organization Secretariat, Amrabih El Mami, the President of the National Council, Hama Salama, the Minister of Social Affairs and Women's Empowerment, Aswilma Beiruk, the Governor of the wilaya of Boujdour, Dih Mohamed Shadad, and the Secretary General of the Union of Sahrawi Journalists and Writers, Nafi Ahmed Mohamed. He will also visit several national institutions.
At the end of the visit, Mr. Douh Ould Baniouk will receive a formal reception at the Presidency of the Republic.