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The United Kingdom renews its firm position towards Western Sahara

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The United Kingdom renews its firm position towards Western Sahara

London (United Kingdom), November 30, 2023 (SPS) - The British government has renewed its firm and traditional position towards the Sahrawi issue, which is based on a solution that guarantees the people of Western Sahara their right to self-determination.

This came in response to several questions by parliamentarians representing the ruling party, as well as the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in the shadow government of the main opposition party, during their discussion of the security situation in Western Sahara after the resumption of the armed struggle.

A group of British parliamentarians from various parties submitted written questions to the Foreign Minister about his country’s position on the issue of Western Sahara, the issue of human rights in Western Sahara, the issue of mediation between the parties, violations of international humanitarian law, the necessity of activating self-determination and ensuring respect for human rights, the impact of alternative energy projects and climate change on the population, and the rights of Sahrawi human rights defenders.

In written responses from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Mr. David Routley, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, said that the United Kingdom supported United Nations Security Council Resolution 2703 of October 30, which renewed the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) for 12 months.

He added that the United Kingdom supports the efforts led by the United Nations to reach a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution based on a settlement that guarantees the people of Western Sahara self-determination.

He also renewed his support for the efforts of Staffan de Mistura, Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, expressing his welcome to the recent efforts made by all parties concerned to deal with the envoy and facilitate his recent visits to the region, including Western Sahara. Furthermore, he added, “We will continue to engage partners to encourage constructive participation in the political process”.

Mr. David Routley stressed that the UK is committed to promoting respect for international humanitarian law around the world, adding, “Regarding Western Sahara, We have consistently supported respect for human rights and support all relevant UN Security Council resolutions that encourage the parties to continue their efforts to promote and protect human rights in Western Sahara, including the freedoms of expression and association.”

We also, said Mr. Routley discuss human rights with the Moroccan authorities through our bilateral dialogues.