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Polisario Front urges foreign companies to leave Western Sahara

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Shahid Al-Hafed, 21 November 2021 (SPS) - The Polisario Front has called on all foreign companies to "immediately withdraw" from Western Sahara, as their presence in the region constitutes a "flagrant violation" of international law provisions.
In a statement sanctioning the work of the fifth ordinary session of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front, the Front launched an urgent appeal to all foreign companies implicated by the Moroccan occupation authorities to "immediately leave" the Sahrawi territory, considering that their presence in the region "a flagrant violation of the provisions of international law.
In this context, the Polisario Front qualified the appeal made by the European Council, together with Spain and France, of deep concern, as "it demonstrates the conspiracy of some European parties with the Moroccan occupier, to continue plundering the wealth of the Sahrawi people, and testifies to the attempt to hinder the decolonisation process"
The annulment of the two agreements signed between the European Union and the occupying power and extended to the Sahrawi territory "confers on the Front the status of the only legitimate representative of the Sahrawi people in a position to advocate for its rights and defend its interests" underlined the National Secretariat.
On the other hand, the Polisario Front condemned "the negative role" played by France since the outbreak of the conflict in Western Sahara, affirming that it will not cease to demand from this country, now close to the presidency of the European Union, in addition to its permanent membership of the Security Council, a positive and constructive contribution to establishing peace and security in the region, by allowing the Sahrawi people to exercise their inalienable right to freedom and independence.
Last September, the European Court ruled to annul the EU-Moroccan fisheries and agriculture agreements extended to occupied Western Sahara, affirming that they were concluded in violation of the EU Court of Justice (CJEU) ruling of 2016 and without the consent of the Sahrawi people.