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Saharawi people commemorate 43th anniversary of National Unity

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Wilaya of Auserd, Oct 12, 2018 (SPS) - Saharawi people commemorated Friday, 12 October, the 43th anniversary of the Declaration of National Unity which coincides with the anniversary of Gdeim izik epic.
On this occasion, the President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Frente POLISARIO, Mr. Brahim Gali, supervised today the official events commemorating this in the Wilaya of Auserd, where he delivered a speech and recounted the significance and implications of this event and the gains achieved by the Sahrawi people as a whole.
Several festivities and activities in the Saharawi refugee camps, occupied territories of Western Sahara and Diaspora were held to commemorate the event.
On this day (12 October 1975), the Frente POLISARIO led by the Martyr Al-Ouali Mustapha Sayad held a historic meeting in Ein Bentili gathered large Saharawi crowd, coming from every corners of Western Sahara, to lay the first foundation stone for National Unity.
This event was a radical turning point in thinking of the Saharawi people, where it lifted them out of underdevelopment, ignorance, division and tribalism caused by colonialism to a new reality characterized by the feeling by every Saharawi citizens of belonging to a unique nation, people and state. SPS