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Paris, July 14, 2017 (SPS) - Sahrawi political prisoners of the Gdeim Izik group, detained at Salé prison (Morocco), have called for restoring their rights and freedom before the long-awaited verdict of the Rabat court of appeal, which postponed the sixth and final phase of the trial to 18 July.
"We call on the Saharawi militants, international observers, associations, lawyers, journalists and all sympathizers and solidarity of freedom and human rights to attend massively the sessions of this 'trial' in order to shed light on the exactions of the Moroccan occupier and the aberrations of its corrupt judicial system which is at the service of the Makhzen and also to put pressure on the Moroccan authorities to restore our rights and our freedom," they declared in a statement.
They indicated that the Moroccan authorities force them to attend (their) mock trial, "since we decided to boycott and refuse to participate in this masquerade."
The 24 Sahrawi militants were arrested, tortured and sentenced to heavy sentences on the basis of confessions signed under torture because of their participation in the Saharawi protest camp in Gdeim Izik in 2010, it should be recalled. (SPS)