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Vitry-sur-Seine (France), Oct 24,  2017 (SPS) - The French deputy, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee at the French National Assembly, former Mayor, Mr. Jean Paul Lecoq, on the sidelines of the 42nd European Conference of Coordination and Support to the Saharawi People (EUCOCO), said that "the question of Western Sahara invites itself in Europe after the appointment of the German, Kohler, as UN Personal Envoy for Western Sahara, emphasizing that it is Europe 's responsibility to assume responsibility for finding a solution to the conflict ".
In this regard, more than 360 people from four continents such as Algeria, Italy, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Mauritania, Venezuela and others participated in this big event of solidarity under the slogan "Self-determination, inalienable right" in  the city of Vitry Sur Seine between the 22nd and 23rd of October 2017.
Several themes were discussed during the 42nd edition of the EUCOCO, through workshops and working groups, which focused in particular on the political situation, human rights, natural resources and the construction experience of a Saharawi State in exile.SPS