Danish money should not finance Morocco’s occupation to Western Sahara (Africa Kontakt)
Copenhagen (Denmark) March 23, 2016 – The Danish Organisation Africa Kontact released Tuesday new report calling on the Danish Banks and pension funds to not finance Morocco’s illegal occupation to Western Sahara, the last colony in Africa.
Africa Kontakt indicates in its report that Danish banks and pension funds' investments contribute to Morocco's continued occupation of Western Sahara.
Africa Kontakt demands companies to show responsibility by withdrawing their investments from Companies active in the Morocco occupied Western Sahara.
Africa’s kontakt report demonstrates that a number of Danish banks, such as the Danish Bank, Nordea, Jyske Bank, and pension funds, PFA Pension, Danica Pension and Pension Denmark, have invested in companies that extract natural resources in Western Sahara, which for 41 years now has been occupied by the kingdom of Morocco.
It is Africa Kontakt view that Danish banks and pension investments in companies that exploit natural resources in the occupied territories of Western Sahara are in conflict with international law.
All trade in goods from Western Sahara helps to legitimize and finance Morocco's continued occupation of the country. Africa Kontakt finds it both unethical and contrary to international law to support a conflict that had and continues to have fatal consequences on Western Sahara's indigenous people – the Saharawis.
Africa Kontakt therefore calls on the responsible boards of the above mentioned Danish banks and pension funds to demonstrate responsibility and withdraw their shares from Companies that exploit natural resources from Morocco occupied Western Sahara.SPS