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POLISARIO announces its "frank and sincere" willingness to discuss with European Council and Commission natural resources issue

Bir Lahlou (Liberated Terrtories), Sept 14, 2016 (SPS) - POLISARIO Front announced yesterday its "frank and sincere willingness to discuss with the Council and the European Commission some of the conclusions of Advocate General of the European Court of Justice, Mr . Melchior Wathelet, concerning the case before the Court of the European Union on the cooperation agreement in the areas of agriculture and fisheries signed between the European Union and Morocco ".
According to a statement released Monday, POLISARIO "received with interest the conclusions of the European Advocate general relating to the case filed before the Court of the European Union, Melchior Wathele clearly said that "the Polisario Front has the possibility to file cases before the European courts (Article 262-4 TFEU).
In this regard, POLISARIO emphasized in its statement that "there is a strong relationship between the court verdict issued on 10 December 2015, the response of Ms. Mogherini issued on August 4, 2016 and the conclusions of Advocate General released, September 13, 2016, which stresses that Morocco has no sovereignty over Western Sahara, so the agreements between Morocco and the European Union should not include the occupied territories of Western Sahara ". SPS