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Support and Follow-up National Commission of unjust trial of Saharawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik holds evaluation meeting

Chahid El Hafed, January 03. 2017 (SPS) - The National Commission of Support and Follow-up of the unjust trial of the Saharawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik held a meeting yesterday chaired by the Saharawi coordinator with MINURSO, Mr. Frente POLISARIO, Mr M'hamed Khadad to assess the situation of Saharawi prisoners after postponing their unfair trial.
The meeting was attended by the Vice-Chairman of the Committee and member of the National Secretariat and Minister of the Occupied Territories and Abroad Community, Mr. Mohamed El Uali Akeik, as well as representatives of the various national institutions.
The commission made a general assessment of all aspects of the unjust trial of the Sahrawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik, highlighting the indispensable work of their families and the Sahrawi masses throughout the national territory and in the refuge, as well as the efforts of the movement of international solidarity with the national cause composed of associations, jurists, lawyers and observers who were present in the trial room in order to defend the Saharawi prisoners.
The National Commission praised the unity of the Saharawi people in the face of Moroccan maneuvers and conveyed a special greeting to the Saharawi political prisoners for their legendary cohesion, resistance and unity in front of the Moroccan repressive machine.
The National Commission appealed to all the Saharawi people and solidarity with the Saharawi cause to multiply their efforts, support and defense to the Sahrawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik in wainting to their next illegal trial scheduled for the 23rd of this month. SPS