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Sahrawi people will not abdicate fight for self-determination (Ahmed Bukhari)

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New York, October 7, 2016 (SPS) - POLISARIO Front Representative to the UN, Ahmed Boukhari underlined Thursday that "the people of Western Sahara will not abdicate their fight for self-determination" in his speech before the Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
He stated that the IV Committee and the International Court of Justice made it clear that the Saharawi question is "a question of decolonization, that the presence of Morocco in the Western Sahara is illegal, and recognizes the inalienable right of the people of Western Sahara to self-determination and independence."
For him, the International Court of Justice acknowledges that the Polisario Front is the sole and legitimate representative of the people of Western Sahara. (SPS)