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Polisario Front asks France to defend human rights without selective

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Shahid Alhafed, May09, 2011(SPS) the Polisario front Sunday, has asked France to work for protecting the Saharawi civilians and respect human rights in Western Sahara, like anywhere else in the world without discrimination , selectively or double standards, and contribute seriously and effectively to find a solution to the Sahrawi- Moroccan conflict.
The National Secretariat of the Polisario “urges France the permanent member of the Security Council to contribute effectively and seriously to find lasting and just solution to the Saharawi –Moroccan conflict and work for protecting the Saharawi civilians and respect human rights in western Sahara like anywhere else in the world without discrimination , selective or double standards” said a final statement of NS of the Polisario after its ordinary meeting chaired Sunday by the President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario, Mohamed Abdel Aziz.
The NS emphasizes on the need for extending mandate of MINURSO to include protection and monitoring human rights in Western Sahara, recording the confirmation by the United Nations on the importance of human rights as a crucial condition in conjunction with international efforts for the solution.
The NS reminded that the UN Security Council has not created effective and independence mechanism to protect human rights as all peacekeeping operations in the world, because of the France position in supporting Morocco which doesn’t serve peace and stability in the region.
The NS demanded Spain to assume its full responsibilities in decolonization of Western Sahara as was and remains an administering power of the territory until the Saharawi people could decides its future and exercises its right to self-determination and independence.
The ordinary session of NS demands again the dismantlement of the Moroccan wall of shame that protected by millions of landmines and causes risks to the Saharawi defenseless civilians.
The NS recalled that Western Sahara is a non -autonomous territory and any exploitation of its natural resources by Moroccan government or any other party is looting and violation of international law, asking EU to delete its agreement with morocco which include soils and waters of Western Sahara.
The National Secretariat expressed readiness of the Polisario Front to cooperate constructively with efforts of Secretary General of the United Nations and his personal Envoy to speed negotiations, in way guarantees legitimate national rights of the Saharawi people in freedom and independence, warning from Moroccan obstacles, asking to impose sanctions against Morocco to comply with the international legitimacy.
It finally asked Moroccan government to release the Saharawi political prison, Mohamed Alhafed Iazza, and all Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan jails and shed light on the fate of all saharwi missing to the Moroccan state.(SPS)