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Second Summer University of Saharawi Cadres in Boumerdes continues its works

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Boumerdes (Algeria) July 10, 2011 (SPS) - Mr. Abdul Rahman Balyat, member of the political bureau of the Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN) called Saturday on the Saharawis to recruit all potential means and renew methods of struggle for raising morals to continue their struggle for independence, during a lecture in the Summer University of the Saharawi Cadres taking place in Boumerdes, Algeria from July 7 to 21.

Mr. Balyat emphasized on the need to face all attempts of the occupier to sow seditions among the Saharawis to frustrate their morals by ways based on lure and intimidation.

From his part, Mr. Sadiq Bougataya denounced the international information blackout imposed over the struggle of the Saharawi people, especially in Gdeim Izik camp, adding that the Saharawi people, whether in the Saharawi refugee camps or elsewhere, "are not refugees of bread, but refugees of freedom and dignity."

"The time has come to find a rational and realistic solution for the Saharawi cause in line with the aspiration of the Saharawi people and with the requirements of the age," said Redha Malek, ex-president of the Algerian government and member of the Algerian delegation in Evian agreement.

He confirmed that the independence of Western Sahara "will never be an obstacle in the history of the Maghreb, but otherwise it will bring peace, stability and prosperity to the peoples of the Region."

Mr. Malek praised the firm determination of the Saharawi people, pointing out that self-determination is "an inevitable principle."

The second edition of the Summer University of the Saharawi cadres opened its works Thursday under the banner "facing the occupation… road to the independence" with the participations of 400 Saharawi cadres, members of the government, representative of organizations, parliamentarians, representatives of the civil society, members of the diplomatic corps and Saharawi human rights defenders from the occupied territories of Western Sahara. (SPS)